Each year, we are gratified by your response to our call for support during our Annual Christmas Hamper Drive. The EvenStart for Children Foundation, in partnership with the Heartland Agency, organize and supply hampers for over 150 families in need each Christmas season. These hampers go to families we know well, for they belong to the children who are registered in our education and treatment programs.

We know who has had a baby, whose household is undergoing trauma and distress, and whose children are in need. Our professional team of psychologists, speech and occupational therapists, social workers, teachers, and assistants are in constant touch and visit these families regularly. That’s how we know their holiday needs and wishes so well.

These families have needs which become even more pressing during the holidays when children’s expectations for gifts and food overwhelm a solo parent, a single breadwinner, or an unemployed father or mom, who have empty pocket books and insurmountable family stresses.

At this time we are only able to provide Christmas Hampers for families currently registered in our EvenStart Program.

Holiday Hamper Details

Each hamper consists of basic household and personal items such as; grocery cards, department store gift cards, etc., that assist a family well into the New Year. We have estimated the approximate cost of assembling a hamper (with all suggested items and gifts from ‘Santa’) around $800-1000 for a family of 4.

There is no internal overhead to this charitable initiative—as a donor-driven organization ourselves, all staff give their time to coordinate, assemble, and deliver hampers to each family prior to Christmas day. All donations in their entirety go directly to the families in need.

All cash /check donations & hamper expenditure sales slips are eligible for INCOME TAX RECEIPT!

Hamper Tax Receipt


1. Cash donations to help with hampers in need
2. Gift cards to be used in the supplementation of hampers
3. You can adopt a family in need and build a hamper based upon suggested lists we provide
4. You can contribute grocery cards in any denomination to our hampers
5. We also actively seek donations for families in the way of new toothbrushes, books, toys, or Walmart gift card to supplement hampers
6.You can help by spreading a word about our charity such as include our web link in your outgoing emails
7. Shop our  Etsy or Shopify scarves and kimonos designed by local artists. All proceeds go to “The EvenStart for Children’s Foundation of Calgary” program.


If you are looking to participate or for more information, please reach out to bparkhill@heartlandagency.org or call us at Office: (403) 541-0277 or Cell: (403) 815-9719